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Gen-Y Positive tactics using Negative gearing gives them Positive Property Results
. A new wave of Generation Y investors is entering the property market and many are using negative gearing as their way to achieve long term goals They are obviously using their brains instead of their hearts (emotions) when buying property.......
Queensland-Housing shows the way in the non-mining recovery
. The Reserve Bank of Australia has today kept the cash rate at 2.5%, highlighting which hopefully signals an improved outlook for the Australian and Global economies.......
Australian Baby Boomers activity up First Home Buyers activity down
. The latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show that the home loan market strengthened amid low interest rates in November but with first-home buyer activity falling to 12.3% nationally, the previous low was 12.5% in October.......
Australia rated 3rd globally as best country to do business
. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative US think tank, has once again named Australia as third freest nation in which to do business, putting Australia just behind Hong Kong and Singapore, and above New Zealand and Taiwan in fourth and fifth place.......
Australian property real-estate history cycle is strong for profits
. Over the third quarter of 2013 RP Data recorded 69,949 residential property re-sales nationally with 88.......
e-Conveyancing for Australian Property Transactions
. A national digital system to formalise property sales, known as PEXA, is being rolled out around the country in 2014 and Queensland is likely to get on board by the end of the year.......
New home sales in Australia on a two and a half year high
. New Home sales grew by 7.5% in November quarter, according to figures released by the Australian Housing Industry Association (HIA) More than 7000 new dwellings sold during the month, a level not seen since May 2011.......