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Buying property over the internet is becoming much Faster and Easier

Posted in Updates @ Apr 18th 2013 10:09pm - By Garry Larden
Buying property over the internet is becoming much Faster and Easier 
The industrial revolution of the 19th Century took us from horse and cart to automobiles,  but the IT revolution of the last 30 years has been every bit as significant.  
The new electronic age has business on the verge of being transformed and the speed of the online revolution is amazing, with the implications for Property-Real Estate purchases already being very substantial indeed.
It is common practise in our business now to add a "Electronic Communication Consent Form" with our documentation due to the amount of on-line contracts we are processing from overseas and interstate buyers. 
And with some of the latest technology being released such as the Sydney engineers who have established a technique to write and retrieve information on the nucleus of a single atom, this is a significant advance in the global race to build super-powerful quantum computers, so we are well and truly on our way in the space race.
There is also companies such as "So-net Entertainment" a Sony-backed Japanese ISP, who has launched a fibre-based internet service in Japan that reaches download speeds of 2 gigabits per second, making it more than 20 times faster than the offerings of both the Labour and the Liberal parties in Australia.
It's all good news for the future of super fast connectivity, mass storage and commercial business applications, so beam me up Scotty or Spocky or what ever your name is...


Jan Rawleigh @ Apr 20th 2013 10:11am
Property sellers and buyers can now use the internet for all their searches i.e. for a sellers advocate, a buyers advocate, how to get the best advertising and the best presentation.
Asset Direct Bundall, Gold Coast 4217 Australia   Ph: +61419408711