Australian-Property-Real-Estate performs very well thanks to Gold prices plummeting
Australian-Property performs well with a big shift from Gold into Property-Real-Estate
Australian Property is becoming very attractive to investors and as history has shown in the past when Gold no longer becomes the safe haven with it's price declining smart investors usually move back into Property and this is what is happening right now.
Surely we have reached the bottom of the Real Estate cycle or we are getting very close to it and here is another sign that things may start to move within the property sector in an upward spiral in prices.
Capital Economics is predicting gold will be at $1,320 an ounce by the end of the year, down from an earlier forecast of $1,700, while Goldman Sachs recently predicted that gold prices would fall to around $1,050 by the end of 2014.
Added to this the drop in the Australian dollar to .91 cents today which is encouraging foreign investors, it all makes for a healthy signal towards property Australia wide.